
Feedback from one of my beautiful families...

Hello Bev

I just wanted to send you a special “Thankyou” for your assistance with our Mum’s funeral. You presented so well as if you knew her and you added so many lovely comments it made it so personal. Thank you for your kindness and for being there to assist me and the family on the day. As I mentioned to you if I would be happy to suggest you for any situation as you were professional and personal in so many ways.

The day was lovely and it was great to walk out from the Chapel to the morning tea and have time with so many friends and family. As always it is not an easy time, but you know I think Mum would have been happy with her send off - and yes they are dancing away in that lovely ballroom in the sky.  

Many thanks from all the family and good luck.

Cathy Howe.

A FUNERAL (or as I like to call it... CELEBRATION of LIFE) is an honour to conduct, as this is a final farewell for your loved one who has passed away, and is an opportunity to celebrate the life they lived.
Saying goodbye is never easy, & the wave of emotions experienced when someone passes can at times be overwhelming, but I'm here to help you through it. 
I meet with families to discuss their ideas & requirements for their ideal service (or send-off) for their loved one. We reminisce about the good & fun times, their quirks, and even the things that annoyed you (these are often what you'll miss most & it's part of what makes them unique).
During the ceremony we make mention of their milestones and major life achievements, appreciating the fact that they were part of your lives. Depending on their beliefs and yours, we can include things such as writing a message to your loved one on the coffin, do a mini meditation type process of connecting to and sending love to your special person, or anything else you can think of to truly honour them and their personality and character. The ceremony doesn't have to be all speaking and follow the 'normal' style. If there's something they were passionate about, we can usually find a way to include it in the ceremony. Sometimes a family member or friend might play a song on guitar and sing, little ones might like to perform a short dance they'd often do together... the list & possibilities are endless. It's okay to think outside the square, I mean, we're not all the same, so why should a celebration of life always be the same?  
As there are no rules when it comes to creating a Life Celebration (Funeral), we have creative licence. We are free to design a service that truly honours your loved one in the best way possible.
If you're needing help with writing the life story (eulogy), I'm happy to help with this too (that's if you've chosen to include it... again this is not mandatory). 
The most healing thing you can do when you lose someone you love, is to give them a celebration that they'd be proud of. Keeping it real, yet focused on all you admire or love about them, quirks and all, helps everyone adjust better, as this is a life change no-one wishes for, but happens for all of us at some point. Moving forward without the hugs, kisses or laughter of that special person is tough, so it's important to share stories of them, speak of them often, and keep your memories alive. Their love is always with you.  

My fee for a Funeral Service is $850
(This fee is for a standard single service booking (ceremony duration approx 40mins). In the case of a weekend service or double booking, please contact me for pricing).


In addition to Funerals I am proud to announce that I now offer Life Appreciation Ceremonies.

What is a Life Appreciation Ceremony you ask? Let me explain...

This ceremony has been designed for those with terminal illness who have only a matter of months or weeks to live. In saying that however, it is also a fantastic ‘gift’ for a loved one who is well. If there is someone you love and appreciate and you feel you don’t verbalise this enough, then why not arrange this as a surprise for that special someone, ‘just because’, to tell them how much they mean to you.
Holding a Life Appreciation Ceremony gives an opportunity for family and friends to speak from the heart and truly express to their ‘special person’, their feelings of love, appreciation and gratitude for all that they are, and all that they mean to them, being part of their life.
The person who is terminally ill may also need and appreciate the opportunity to show their gratitude toward those who are special to them, and have supported them on this journey. This can be an extremely healing process and healing time for all involved. To realise that you are supported 100% when experiencing such an emotionally challenging situation, (one which you ultimately have no control over, I mean terminal illness the impending death is not a choice) can be extremely helpful.
It is just as important for those who will be left behind to feel supported after the death occurs. Often during the celebration held after the Life Appreciation Ceremony, people openly yet lovingly share their fears and concerns, and by being ‘real’, this helps others to open and share also. To realise that you’re not alone in your emotions is both comforting and healing.
Unfortunately many people feel very alone after the passing of a loved one, due to the fact that others are uneasy and don’t know what to say, and so often avoid being in their company at all.
For most, this is not helpful, and the best thing we can do is simply be there, for moral support, and to listen, if and when they need to talk. Doing everyday things such as going out for coffee, catching up with friends and family, and getting on with life, is ultimately what we all need to do after the passing of a loved one. However the grieving process is different for everyone. We each grieve in our own way and in our own time. Knowing that we are surrounded (but not necessarily literally) by those who love and support us is such a great help. Knowing there is someone there when we’re struggling, and just needing to talk, or to give us company and help put a smile on our face is very comforting. Having a compassionate someone to remind us that we will be okay, is sometimes all we really need.
So through holding a Life Appreciation Ceremony, you can be sure that loved ones won’t be left saying “if only I had told them how much I love them” or “if only I’d had the chance to say goodbye”.



Thank You from Families...
Hi Bev, 

Thank-you so much for your words. But really I should be thanking you for giving the person I looked up to as a Dad an amazing beautiful funeral. 

The ceremony was beautiful and you presented it so peacefully and kind. 

He was truly an incredible man and loved everyone, I'm sure he would of loved you to if you were to have met him. If I meet a man in my future even half as amazing as him Ill be very happy! 
Thank-you again so much for Yesterday! 

Oh, and you went the extra mile and dressed up as a character from his favourite movie… your outfit was pretty close to princess Leia!! 
I hope that more people’s lives will be honoured the way you honoured my best friend’s Dad.
Thank you again a lot!
-Shai Darby.  


"Thank you so much for the sensational job you did yesterday of reading Dad's Eulogy, and for organising the service. You had so much information to wade through.
You are a natural, and making the service seem so unique and special will stay with us forever.
You made so much impact on us all, that we feel you are part of our family.
Thanks so much.
Kindest regards, Ron Armstrong and all the family".
Thank you Bev - I cannot tell you how many times I  heard that it was one of the most beautiful services that people have seen. My brothers and Dad were so overwhelmed with how it all went. You helped me give my mother a beautiful send off. Her sisters thought the same way and I knew that they expected the best for her. You helped me give that to her and her family. Thank you. Trish
Hi Bev,

This is the most wonderful eulogy - I am a bit lost for words. You have really put justice to everything - I am very grateful to you.
T. Coles

Hi Bev
I would like to personally thank you for an excellent ceremony yesterday.  You have truly helped us turn, what was to be a sad day to one that was a proud moment as well.
We honestly could not have asked for a better celebrant for Alberto's service. I would also like to thank you for how you have conducted yourself with the delicate nature of this event.
Kind Regards,
"Thank you Bev... I just want to say how honoured I was with you doing my Mum's service yesterday... you did a beautiful job... and I know she would of loved you xxx"